
"I can't afford camp"
We have camperships (camp scholarships) that can cover partial payment to the fees. Make sure to ask your church! Summer Camp is important and we want everyone to have the chance to participate. The application is in the registration process.
"How do I register?"
You're halfway there! Click either winter or summer camp and you will be guided to a "Register Now" button!
Is camp inclusive?
In accordance with the Social Principles of the California-Pacific Conference of the United Methodist Church, Camp has Open Hearts, Open Minds, and Open Doors. We welcome people from all different backgrounds regardless of race, socioeconomic status, gender identity, sexual orientation, or denominational identity. All of our programs welcome campers with no previous camp or church experience.
"My camper has never spent a night away"
That's the best thing about camp! It's such a great transition for kids to have a fun week away from home. For many kids this is their first time away, and our staff is experienced in this and will show your child so much love here at camp.
"How do I get there?"
To get here, type 1401 Linnet Road, Wrightwood into your GPS or smartphone, or follow the directions below:
From LA, OC, San Diego, and Las Vegas: Make your way to the I-15 (south from Las Vegas, north for everyone else). Take the exit for Hwy 138 East toward Palmdale; the exit is 20 miles south of Victorville and 17 north of San Bernardino.
After 8.6 miles, you'll come to a stoplight. Turn LEFT onto Hwy 2. Drive 5 miles to the town of Wrightwood, until you see a sign for Elm Street. Turn left onto Elm Street, drive another quarter mile, and you'll be at the entrance to Camp Wrightwood.
From Lancaster, Palmdale, Santa Clarita... From the intersection of Hwy 14, and 138, follow Hwy 138 east for 35 miles. You'll turn right onto Hwy 2, and drive 5 miles to the town of Wrightwood. Turn left onto Elm Street, drive another quarter mile, and you'll be at the entrance to Camp Wrightwood.
"My camper has a lot of allergies"
We have a whole section in our registration for all medical needs. We also have an amazing nurse here every week that will make sure your child has every need cared for. Along with that, we also have an amazing kitchen staff that makes sure your child has a meal that fits their diet.
"What if I'm not methodist?"
That's okay! Our programs are centered around teaching campers about Christian living, not creating Methodists, but they do not have to be church members to attend or even Christians. They just have to come with an open mind, willing to learn and be in community with others.